Friday, August 22, 2008

MAMMA MIA! The Movie Soundtrack

Ella:Oh,I just love the new soundtrack to,'Mamma Mia!'It is soo good!

Don:Please-just kill me now.

Ella:Come's fun.Everyone loves Abba.


Ella:Oh,stop it.

Don:O-Kay,'Chick Flick',then.

Ella:You're terrible.And I really like'd it.The movie was extremely fun.And the music flowed so well within it.

Don:I have not had the honor of seeing the movie.All I can say is that that Amanda Seyfried sings like she's Disney's Snow White.I mean when she sings,'Honey Honey',it's all I can do not to imagine birds flying onto her fingers.

Ella:Why you kidder,you 'have' listened to it.

Don:Everyone talks about how noble Pierce Bronsan is in his attempts at singing,but I think he has some of the best songs.He stands out in both,'SOS',and,'When All Is Said And Done'.

Ella:I liked him too.Colin Firth does really good on,'Our Last Summer'.Oh,he's soo good.

Don:Look-If I admit that I like the cd will you stop trying to make me gag?

Ella:Deal.Which Meryl Streep song did you like the best?

Don:Hmmm...none of them.


Don:O-kay.O-kay.I liked,'Winner Takes It All,'But it was a little too over the top in parts.Aah,let's see,what else did she sing?


Don:I liked that.

Ella:Ummm,'Mamma Mia';'Dancing Queen';ummm,oh,'Super Trooper'.

Don:None of them is as good as 'Money'.

Ella:They're all good,though.

Don:If you say so.I liked,'Does Your Mother Know'.I never knew that was about a woman trying to pick up a young boy before.

Ella:That wasn't Meryl Streep.That was Christine Baranski.

Don:Did I say that it was Merly Streep?


Don: Then don't put words in my mouth.

Ella:My favorite song was,'I have A Dream'.It is soo wonderful.

Don:So Disney you mean.Gad,I didn't know Abba sounded so much like 'The Little Mermaid'.

Ella:Pooh,you didn't like like it?

Don:Did I say I didn't like it?Sorry.O-Kay.I did like that song.Was that a dulcimer in that song?O-kay-O-kay.I liked it.I liked it.

Ella:I'm so proud of you.

Don:Yeah,yeah...just don't blackmail me with that knowledge will ya?

Ella:Wouldn't think of it...but only if you go to the next showing with me.

Don:Crap.I knew there'd be a catch to it,somewhere.


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