1:Bixby Canyon Bridge.WoW!What a way to start off an album.This song is a rocker.The lyrics tell the story of a man going back to where his girl(I suppose) lost her soul.He finds nothing....there is a good jam...and he walks back to his car.
2:I Will Possess Your Heart.I was listening to Don McLean's 'American Pie' the other day and thinking,'You wouldn't hear an eight minute and thirty second song playing on the radio today.' I was correct...this great song comes in at 8:25.I love the rockin' non lyrical opening.Gotta spend some time,love...
3:No Sunlight.This is a nice little pop ditty.
4:Cath...This is a song about a woman marrying a respectable man because her heart is dying.The people in the pews are betting that it won't last and the girl(Cath)is going to miss out on many a man whom would love her more...but,concludes the story teller,he would have done the same.
5:Talking Bird.This is the best song on the cd.It really isn't about a caged bird,me thinks,living inside a house inside a house.The longer you think...the less you will want to do.
6:You Can Do Better Then Me....but I can't do better then you.Great drum beginning.Great singing.This song lasts just long enough.
7:Grapevine Fires.I love the way D.C.F.C. mixes it up.A song of fear,fighting the good fight,and ultimately child like hope and salvation.Musically extremely well put together.Wunderful tune.
8:Your New Twin Sided Bed.A song about doing what you have to do.Taint easy.Emptiness vs. holding on.I hate good byes,but love this song.
9:Long Division.Powerful lyrics.I have to admit these guys sing about other things.The end results of deceit...or should I say the end cost.This is the new style rock,kids.Lead or get out of the way.Awesomeness.
10:Pity And fear.It should be downcast,but It's not.Beware and rock out....watch the ending.
11:The Ice Is getting Thinner.If you should go skating on the thin ice of modern life...no wait,that's the other thin ice song.I love Ben Gibbard's vocals and guitar.In fact,the whole band (Ben Gibbard Chris Walla Nicholas HarmerJason McGerr) jells better then The Blob.
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