Friday, June 27, 2008

Lil Wayne

Tha Carter III

For those of you that like your rappin' explicit and as real as you can get it,you won't find any better than good ol' Lil Wayne on 'Tha Carter III'.

Chocked full of guest stars,this amazing cd brings back my faith in modern rap.Normally,I am against cd's with every freakin' song being a potential hit...but not on this cd.And here's why.The videos and radio play that are bound to come off this album are going to be 'beeped' and edited more than a Tourette syndrome patient giving an acceptance speech at the Golden Globes.

That's a terribly bad analogy,but exactly my point.The only way to savor 'Tha Carter III' is to listen to the cd[non-Wal-Mart version,of course] in it's entirety.

Not to say that Lil Wayne is crass...just the opposite.'Tha Carter III' is nothing but fun.I dare you to listen to songs like,'Dr.Carter' without laughing(or,at least,smiling)...ditto,'Phone Home'.

But this ain't no one trick pony.Lil Wayne paints a broad spectrum with a board brush.'Tie My Hands' is a very Marvin Gaye-ish sounding tune.It should be a big radio hit.' Mrs Officer' is another R&B jem.How can you not love it?

True-full,playful,real.If radio was this diverse,more people would be listening to the radio.'Shoot Me Down',is one of my favorite songs on the cd.It is rap,but has a rock feel to it.The anger transcends genres.Hell,there's even a tad of guitar.

OK,ya' gotta love,'Lollipop'.But is it the best song on the cd...?Nah.Just the beginning of the opus.Same with,'A Mili'.

'La La'-filled with pop references-can be either a song about a child or a Los Angeles parody...who knows..I just like it.

'Playing With Fire' may not be for everyone,with the blatant over use of the word 'pussy',but I liked it.This is rap---right?!?

The end song is,'DontGetIt'.It's free thinking word streaming should be loved by everyone...except,maybe,just maybe,Al Sharpton.
One of the best cd's of the year.

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